May 21, 2022

A wellness hack I want to tell you about

Lifestyle & Pop Culture

One of my favorite things to tell you about is my wellness hacks.

But, let me first say, this whole “wellness” thing has been a journey for me. It’s something I’ve really been focusing on deeply over the last two years — at every level of wellness: the physical, the mental, the spiritual, the emotional.

You’ve probably heard me talk about Morning Jen and Evening Jen and how my “morning self” best cares for my “evening self” and vice versa.

This can look like Evening Jen cleaning the kitchen so she doesn’t wake up to instant chaos and also like washing her face at night and putting on all the soft potions, so she doesn’t wake up looking like five miles of bad road.

It can look like Morning Jen hydrating with a huge glass of water, making my bed, opening the blinds, and lighting my favorite candles.

There’s something else that has become part of my really simple Morning Jen and Evening Jen routines that has added enormoussss positive effect on how I feel, sleep, think, and process.

And it’s this thing called FOCL.

FOCL?! What on God’s green earth is that, you may be thinking.

FOCL is this company that promotes wellness through premium CBD drops, gummies, and other products that are enhanced with adaptogens and botanicals. They’re vegan, gluten free, and non-GMO. Translation: IT’S GOOD FOR YOU.

Also, if you’ve heard these CBD letters floating around, but not so sure about what’s happening there. Look, CBD is not THC. THC is the stuff that gets you high. So, you won’t get high on FOCL gummies. (I MAY HAVE JUST DISAPPOINTED A FEW OF YOU.)

But, with FOCL, you will feel better — more focused, more clear, more calm, and even more rested. This has been my experience.

Morning Jen: I put FOCL CBD drops in my coffee every morning — RIGHT ALONGSIDE MY ALMOND JOY CREAMER. We are being healthy here, our creamer doesn’t have to be. It’s about balance, beloved. Thank you for understanding.


Evening Jen: I love FOCL’s CBD + CBN sleep gummies, which are engineered to help you sleep. Who among us knows Middle of the Night Brain — because she can be a beast. She worries, overthinks, stresses, makes lists. She really robs you of sleep.


P.S., Should Workout Jen every make an appearance, FOCL has relief cream which I’ll put in rotation eventually.

Over the last few years, I have realized I have low-level anxiety that I just walk around with. I just do. It’s like a companion – I just keep it.

FOCL has helped released the pressure valve on that little anxiety feeling.

I’ve been working with the founder of FOCL for a discount code and they’ve given my community 20% of your whole order here with code: JEN20.

Do it for your Morning Self, your Nighttime Self, your Anytime Self.

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