March 18, 2023

Cheers to these mocktail recipes that come with a CBD Twist


img_8616-2I did dry-ish January and I felt so good doing it. But you know I love a good cocktail, so I put some mocktails in high rotation and I didn’t miss a thing.

But, I have been packing my mocktails with a punch — a teeny secret ingredient that is literally good for your body. FOCL CBD drops.

They=se CBD infused mocktails are a zen-creating calming thing that’s good for anything: stress, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, the list goes on.

CBD calms the nervous system, so it’s a healthy way to take the edge off without turning to alcohol. So all four of these drinks feature the highest quality MCT oil, mixed with premium hemp CBD, which may help you to:

  • Relax and recover
  • Calm your mind
  • Ease everyday stressors
  • Fall asleep quicker

Cheers to that! Load up on FOCL products and save 20% using code: CHEERS


focl-mocktails-5b-crop_dc3b4597-1965-4a14-91c1-c6b5ef5ca577Citrus Mule

Citrusy and ginger-y, this one is soooo damn good. It’s on repeat at my house, and I love the add zing from the Citrus CBD drops.


  • Fill your glass with ice
  • Add 3 oz pineapple juice, 2 oz orange juice, and ½ oz lime juice
  • Add 1 dropper-full of FOCL Full Spectrum Citrus CBD Drops
  • Top with 3 oz of ginger beer

Optional: Try mixing and serving in a copper mug for extra appeal – everyone loves a fun drink in a fun glass! 


Spicy Jalapeño Margarita

You know how much I love spicy — and this marg has it going on.


  • Rub a slice of lime around the rim of your glass and dip in salt
  • Fill your glass with ice
  • Add 4 slices of jalapeño
  • Pour 1/2 a cup of orange juice and ¼ cup lime juice
  • Add 1 dropper-full of FOCL Full Spectrum Natural CBD Drops

Optional: Top off with sparkling water and/or pomegranate seeds to jazz things up.

focl-mocktails-4-crop_f63a3c45-3037-432b-9ecc-d09ef440c06bCBD Sangria

This orange-cream fusion is so perfect for summer — and for entertaining. Make use of whatever fruit you have and relax.


  • Cut up fruit you would like to use (we love apples, oranges, and blueberries) and place in a pitcher
  • Fill your pitcher with ice
  • Add 1 cup sparkling water, the juice of 1 lemon, ¾ cup apple juice, 1 cup orange juice, and 3 cups cranberry-pomegranate juice
  • Add 1 dropper-full of FOCL Full Spectrum Orange Cream CBD Drops 
  • Stir and enjoy!

focl-mocktails-3b-cropCucumber Cooler

For anyone who always orders a mint julep or a mojito, this cucumber lime mint mocktail is your ticket to cool, calm, and collected.


  • Add ¼ cup of fresh sliced cucumber and 1 tablespoon of fresh mint to the bottom of your glass
  • Add 2 oz of water and muddle the cucumber and mint with the back of a spoon
  • Add 1 dropper-full of FOCL Full Spectrum Mint CBD Drops
  • Fill the glass with ice
  • Add ½ cup of limeade and top with ½ cup of sparkling water
  • Garnish with cucumber and mint!


Remember: FOCL’s premium hemp is grown in the U.S., using organic farming practices. This means all products are made with organic ingredients, have no GMO, pesticides or herbicides, and all products are third-party tested.

Shop the FOCL goods and use code CHEERS to save 20%!

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