Episode 01
Many of us are worried about the toll to the economy and to our own personal finances as we face reduced hours, changing work environments or elimination of our jobs altogether–plus added concerns that our investments and savings are at risk. Our guest for this episode is here to help us manage those fears and give us some practical ways to prepare our hearts and minds for managing finances in a crisis. Pete the Planner is a USA Today columnist and the CEO of Your Money Line and Hey Money. In his previous life, he was also an award winning comedian, so while we may feel like crying over potential money woes, Pete will give us hope and help us find something to laugh about too.
Hello, wonderful community. I’m so happy to be here with you today. Welcome to the very first episode of a bonus series we’re starting this week while we’re all dealing with the events around the coronavirus pandemic, because we’re all hunkered down at home right now and trying to learn what it means to socially distance. And it feels like every single day, we are facing new hurdles. We’ve just never seen anything like this. More cases of the virus, more business closings, more school closings, mandated quarantines, restaurant closures, empty grocery stores.
We’re all reeling. We’ve never had to contend with most of this stuff in our lifetimes. And so, in light of that, and because we thought–what we can all still do right this minute? I can still podcast, I can still record with experts. You can still listen. This is a way that I can serve you. And so, this is what we’re doing. A twice weekly series that features guests who will guide us, educate us, commiserate with us and inspire us–maybe even sometimes entertain us–so we can learn how to get through this as strongly as possible.
We welcome your thoughts and questions. We have learned so much from what you are doing and how you’re coping too. We see it all over social media. It’s been incredibly wonderful to connect like this. We want to continue to hear from you as we face each day of this together. You can join us on any one of my social media platforms (links below) and leave comments as we post these episodes every Monday and Friday. Let us know how you are doing and let us know what would help you, and who you would like to hear from.
So, these are going to be a little bit shorter episodes, more like half an hour, just to start putting some tools and resources and ideas and information in our hands. I hope you’ll stay with us for this next half hour and then join us twice weekly as we walk this unfamiliar territory as a community.
So our first guest in this series is going to address, what I think, is probably arguably top of mind for almost every one of us who are now seeing our jobs massively affected or halted completely. And we’re freaked out about what is happening now and then the potential long term effects–what’s going to happen in the gap. So our guest is going to walk us through some really practical ways today that we can financially prepare; even in the middle of a crisis that’s already happening. And then definitely, for sort of the upcoming recovery.
You may already know Peter Dunn, he goes by Pete The Planner because he has columns in USA Today, he’s on every TV show on some of the most major networks. And I think what’s funny and interesting and sets Pete apart from just sort of a buttoned up accountant type is that he’s actually an award winning comedian as well. We talk about that for just a second. So although we may feel like crying through all this, he’s going to help us find some things both to do and to smile about at the same time.
So, Pete is the CEO and the founder of Your Money Line and Hey Money. Your Money Line is a corporate financial wellness solution which connects employees to confidential, unbiased financial guidance. It’s great. His work is needed and necessary and trustworthy. He’s also written 10 books and he’s the host of his own podcast, which is called The Pete the Planner Show. I loved talking to Pete today. It really helped me think through what these next eight to 10 weeks are going to look like, and beyond. I think you’re going to find this encouraging. Pete’s like this steady guide through even the most tumultuous financial times.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
- Jen Hatmaker’s Facebook Page
- Jen Hatmaker’s Instagram Page
- Jen Hatmaker’s Twitter Page
- Website: PeteThePlanner.com
- Website: CallHeyMoney.com
- Hey Money Facebook Page
- USA Today Money Article by Pete The Planner
- Book: 60 Days to Change by Pete the Planner
- Book: Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
- Book: Fierce, Free & Full of Fire by Jen Hatmaker
- Website: JenHatmaker.com
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