The Lazy Genius Life with Recovering Perfectionist Kendra Adachi - Jen Hatmaker

The Lazy Genius Life with Recovering Perfectionist Kendra Adachi

Episode 03

Do you know who has a PhD in Small Wins? We do, because this week on the show we have The Lazy Genius, AKA the brilliant and delightful Kendra Adachi! Kendra is the woman who brought the Tim Riggins Salad and Change Your Life Chicken to the internet, and she is about to change our lives far beyond the fridge (though fun fact: that chicken is delicious). Kendra’s going to give us a treasure trove of pro tips, like the beauty of 17-minute naps and the stress-reducing way to clean up our kitchens (hint: zones, people—it’s all about the zones!). As a recovering perfectionist, Kendra’s learned how to strike the middle ground between “It has to be perfect!” and “Meh, I don’t care anymore.” She shows us how to care about what matters and let the rest go, because let’s be real: there’s just too much for us to care about everything. Plus, for all the Enneagram 1s and Type-As out there, Kendra reminds us that even if our plans are upended, it doesn’t mean our plans were wrong—it just means that life happened, and we’ll be okay.

And stay till the end for Jen and Kendra’s Hamilton love fest as they look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now in a world with Lin Manuel-Miranda and Disney+!

Episode Transcript



Hey, everybody. Jen Hatmaker here, your host For the Love Podcast. Welcome to the show.

Oh my, we’re in a delightful series, and I am so happy about it. It’s called For the Love of Small Wins and what it’s been doing for me is allowing me to do two things. Take a big deep breath in which is something—breathing is underrated. I can get a full breath and also exhale. It’s just been nurturing and nourishing and timely.

Today’s guest you’re going to be delighted by. Please stay all the way to the end while we literally lose our minds over Hamilton. Please buckle in for the next hour.

I wonder about this. Has there ever been a time when the phrase, “work smarter, not harder” has ever applied more? It has not for me. I think in my community, I know you too—I know that you are hustling to take care of yourself, your people. You’re working hard at your job. You’re trying desperately to put good things into the world. You’re trying to keep your relationships strong and healthy. You are managing a pandemic. You’re doing so much. Every single day. What you don’t need anyone telling you to do is to do more and be more because you are already enough and you’re doing enough.

Today, we are talking to someone who’s going to help us turn the do more dial down a few notches. God bless her. Gosh, you’re going to love this conversation, you guys. She’s going to teach us how to score some small wins in a way that really appeals to me, like, small, little dial changes that make a massive impact on the way we’re able to move through our day and this is what she calls it, The Lazy Genius Way. I’m so jealous that I did not come up with that.

Kendra Adachi. That’s our guest today. She’s the founder of The Lazy Genius Collective. Kendra is a very beloved podcaster. Tons of you already know her. And now, she’s the New York Times bestselling author of the brand new book, The Lazy Genius Way. Guys, it was an instant New York Times bestseller for good reason, because it’s chock full of no frills advice and straight up good humor and that’s what I need. Do not be fussy with me, do not be overly complicated, and please make me laugh. 

We needed Kendra this year. She invites us to live well by our own definitions—not some weird narrative, whatever that may be. This book, The Lazy Genius Way, is as warm and clever as Kendra herself. You’ll see. Whatever you do, please don’t skip the footnotes. Just trust me on this. Let’s be honest, anyone who is known for a recipe called the Tim Riggins Salad will be right at home here on the For the Love Podcast.

We enjoyed talking to each other so much. I have takeaways that I’m going to immediately implement and I think you will too. I’m so pleased to share my conversation with the Grand Poobah of lazy geniuses, Kendra Adachi.


Books & Resources Mentioned in This Episode


The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

The Lazy Genius Podcast

Tim Riggins Salad

Change Your Life Chicken

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

Hamilton on Disney Plus


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