Inviting Calm into Your Life and Home: Emily P. Freeman and Myquillyn Smith

In our ongoing quest to squash the chaos in our lives, we’re talking to two experts (who are in fact sisters) who literally help us create space for our souls and our homes to breathe. Emily P. Freeman hosts the Do the Next Right Thing podcast where listeners flock to hear her soothing voice guide them with small ways to achieve mental clarity and avoid analysis paralysis when making decisions. Her sister, Myquillyn Smith, better known as The Nester, has the superpower of helping us create peace in the physical places we live with smart solutions that tweak our spaces to bring us calm–because when our homes feel out of control, our inner chaos rises as well. 

Highlights from this discussion with Jen, Emily, and Myquillyn include:

  • How Emily and Myquillyn played with their Barbies as young girls was indicative of the roads they chose later in life 
  • How sometimes the things that we are influenced to purchase to help us conquer chaos can become triggers for chaos (ie: THE BASKET PEOPLE) 
  • How to not get bogged down with the pressure to plan your whole life, and how looking at past decisions can inform the decisions you make in the future 
  • What it means to “quiet a room” in order to bring calm to your living spaces 

Join Jen, Emily, and Myquillyn as we all seek a little refreshment for our lives and homes.

Stuck? Just Do the Next Right Thing: Emily P. Freeman

When you have no idea what to do next, it feels like you’re drowning in a lake of neverending to-do lists, homework, laundry, and dreams on hold. In a word, it’s *overwhelming.* How do we begin to take charge and find a way out of the chaos? In the words of our next guest: just do the next right thing (FYI: “NEXT” is the key word here!). Writer and podcaster Emily P. Freeman gives us tools to find out what The Next Right Thing is for each us, which is also the title of her insightful podcast and her upcoming book that hits shelves April 2. Emily shows us why naming our fears gives us power over them, how to make decisions in a better way, and how practicing “soul minimalism” will help us all breathe more easily in two seconds flat. And perhaps best of all, Emily helps us recognize that like our favorite jeans, the decisions that were once right for us may not fit anymore—and that’s 100% okay.