I was that child, thankfully.
When I was two years old, some judgey older woman at church handed my mom a copy of “The Strong Willed Child” in Sunday School. My point is that I came out hot (and have apparently been upsetting Church Ladies™ for some time).
I have five kids.
- I am divorced after a 26-year marriage.
- I’ve lived in Austin for almost 25 years.
- I am an author-speaker-podcaster-book club curator.
- I’ve written a bunch of bestsellers and have some fancy awards I keep on a shelf because I am an Enneagram 3 and we are the worst.

My favorite food is sandwiches, even behind the scenes of a photo shoot.
- I used to be a darling of evangelical women’s subculture but now I am a bit of a problem child.

I bought a 1975 Bronco after my divorce and it didn’t run.
I had to get all my money back under the Lemon Law, so I ordered a brand new Bronco that took a year and a half to manufacture, but my point is I have bought two cars by myself in my life and they were both Broncos.

My favorite movie is Notting Hill.
One time I was playing Scrabble and my opponent questioned one too many of my words, and I swept my arm across the board throwing all the tiles against the wall in a blaze of fury and walked out the front door (see: “The Strong Willed Child”).

I also use bougie Tyler laundry detergent called “Diva” even though:
- It costs $68.58, and
- One of my besties hates it and says he can smell me from a block away. IN A GOOD WAY, MY DUDE.

“When my oldest was in 5th grade, he opened up a fresh mouth to me and I told him to get a shovel, go in the backyard, and dig his own grave. (I don’t love this memory, but you aren’t supposed to lie on the “About Me” page)”
I still have my O.G. AOL email address. Not sorry.
90s Country Music
How do I live without you? I don’t. 90s country music is my jam.
Candy Bars in Coffee
I drink Almond Joy creamer in my coffee and will not be reformed.