Series 55: For the Love of Funny
There is nothing in this world that a good, hearty laugh can’t fix. And we here at the For the Love podcast are all about the funny. Whether it’s communicating only in silly GIFS, or making fun of the awkward moments in our lives, to binge-ing one of our favorite comedic shows, we see that finding what’s funny in life can provide the much-needed comic relief in our sometimes dramatic seasons. We really believe that laughter is the best medicine, and that’s why we’re thrilled to present the For the Love of Funny series! We’ll be talking with folks who make it their business to see the world from a slightly skewed perspective, and then share that hilarity with the rest of us so we can find laughter in the chaos, and lightness even in the heaviest of circumstances. Because the ability to laugh (even at ourselves, sometimes) makes us ultimately more resilient.