Simplicity For the Rest of Us

Simply amazing.

I brought in two experts for this course, including Myquillyn Smith a.k.a. The Nester (I like to call her the Home Whisperer). She is our cozy minimalist and will help us to have the most amount of style with the least amount of stuff.

Then, Emily P. Freeman — the soul minimalist — will help us clear out the mental and emotional loads that we carry and cart around that clutter our thoughts, our actions, our wellbeing, and more.


This idea of too MUCH — too much media; too many notifications; too much stuff; too much spending; too much stress, too much waste. It is everywhere.

And, it is trashing up our human-ness — our minds, our souls, our decision-making process, every category of our lives.

So, that’s actually what set in motion the idea for this Me Course. How can we easily simplify in ways that create micro and mega changes — specifically, how can we clean out our head trash.

SO, we’ve loaded this course up with wisdom, knowledge, advice and resources to help you be still AND declutter. Because stillness is to the soul what decluttering is to the home.

“Let’s get rid of the too much muchness by just starting small. Just declutter one mental junk drawer at a time.”

This is for those of you who feel like you’re drowning in, well… everything.


  • Five in-depth video sessions, about 15 minutes each, on simplifying your life
  • Dozens of digital resources provided by Jen, Myquillin, and Emily
  • Examples and recommendations on how to declutter your space
  • Practices and methods for decluttering your mind


  • You are living in clutter.
  • You want to organize but don’t know where to start.
  • You struggle with anxiety.
  • Your home needs a refresh.
  • Color coordination is your jam.
  • You never have a moment to yourself.
  • You’re interested in minimizing but don’t want to go full on Marie Kondo.
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